How Your Subconscious Holds You Back From Greatness

Word count:2513

hey this is Leo for actualised org I want to talk about an interesting situation that I ran across and basically this is going to lead us into the concept and the idea in personal development of looking and being really attuned to finding ways subtle ways that your subconscious is holding you back and limiting you and here's the example that I come at this with which really took me for a bit of an epiphany a realization and once I saw what was really happening with me so my girlfriend was over and she flew over to visit me for for some time and when she was here for about a week what happened was that I was cooking for her and I was just doing my thing I was cooking and I was sauteing some mushrooms and I had a whole carton of mushrooms that I was a that was chopping up and throwing in the saute pan and as I was doing that I started sauteing the mushrooms and sauteing the mushrooms and there was a full pan of mushrooms more than enough for two people and then I had other things that I was going to make as well and I'm sauteing this and as I'm stirring it around with my spatula one of them one of the mushrooms it's not even a whole mushroom like it was like a sliver of a mushroom half of it fell out of the pan and it kind of tumbled and rolled off to the floor and I'm like really quickly I go I reached for the mushroom and I throw it back into the pan from the floor three-second rule right so kind of a funny and weird Shaiful example and then my girlfriend saw me she's like did you put that mushroom back in the pan and I'm like ah yeah and I kind of thought about it for a little bit and then after that whole incident I thought about it more and what I realized that really was a signal of something much deeper for me really what that was because I was really upset that that mushroom fell out of the pan and I didn't want to throw it away because to me it was wasteful to throw away that mushroom I thought it could be put to use as silly as that is but why did I do that and why was I so insistent on it and why was that like an automatic unconscious response that I had and moreover why am I still resistant to that scenario because in my mind and sometimes this happens as I'm cooking stuff and stuff falls out I'm always tempted I'm always tempted to grab it and make use of it I don't to waste it and now that I've kind of had this realization I'm a little more cognizant of it and I've actually made a rule that I don't do that I always throw it in the trash from now on and I didn't do that for hygienic reasons I actually think that you could eat stuff off the floor and nothing bad is going to happen to you fact is that the human body is designed to handle a lot more than we think it can and people have been eating stuff from mud and dirt for for eons before the whole world was sanitized and clean the way it is now so it's not so much that that's the problem the real problem and the big problem that the hygiene issue is really masking is the scarcity problem why the hell do I have scarcity about half a mushroom because I could take that mushroom and throw it out but I don't want to because I feel it's wasteful and when I looked at that I'm like oh oh that goes deep and then I look back into my past and the fact is that I have scarcity issues around money because when I was growing up money was always a source of conflict in my family and we had some good times money some bad types of money overall it was a really mixed bag but what it created in me is the sense of insecurity about money and the sense of scarcity the fact that I might not have enough and even though right now objectively I'm financially well-off I'd have no problems I have no no debt I have nice savings I'm comfortable I have a business I have a job so all those things are in place but I'm still coming from that old city mindset and it's really hard to just say okay let's just turn that programming off it doesn't really turn off you have to really introspect and work it to turn it off and in fact right now I'm still running on that programming because I was cooking a dish earlier tonight and I lost one of the little cherry tomatoes that was had on my salad dropped on the floor and at this point I know what I'm doing so I still have that rule that I've brought it away so I did throw it away but still for a minute like first a brief millisecond I hesitated and I'm like why why don't why can't I just like keep it and my reasoning now is not based on hygiene it's based on the fact that I'm trying to reprogram my scarcity mindset because the scarcity mindset goes much deeper than just food on a salad what it's really about it's about money in fact is that I mean I know that I have some quirks about money and that I can be too stingy and too conservative with my money so for me it's the opposite problem that some people have some people are just wasting the money everywhere and they have the problem they can't hold on to it but then for other people actually hoarding money and being too conservative with their money is also a problem you might wonder how that is well for me for example how that manifest is that I might be too conservative for example in investing in a situation where I know that I can get a good return or I might be too conservative to really invest in a business that I am creating not somebody else but myself that I believe in so I might be too stingy to really invest in my own goals and because my business is tied to my values and to my life purpose ultimately what it all ties back to is that I can be so stingy that I'm holding myself back not only financially but I'm holding myself back from living my purposefully and for me that's been a huge huge huge struggle in fact one of the reasons it took me a long time to find my life purpose is because I was so held back by the money aspect of it I couldn't just let myself go and say well I'm going to do whatever I want to do and trust that it's going to make me money I'd be very certain that it would because I had this hang-up about the fact that not only do I have to be doing something that I'm really passionate about can potentially be really good in and that fits with all my values and all my strengths but I also have to be able to make a really good living doing it and that has always always held me back in fact it still triggers me because those whatever happened in childhood and growing up whatever those limiting beliefs and experiences were they're still with me they're still stuck in this in this head that I have and they're part of my subconscious and even though I'm trying to reprogram myself it's going to take I anticipate probably years of work to really get that ironed out and it's not going to happen just spontaneously if I leave it this is going to have to be an active participation on my part so I already have a couple of books lined up specifically about wealth and not just how to get rich fast but specifically what I'm talking about is like wealth psychology understanding really what are the triggers that people have about money where the limiting beliefs and what are some exercises and other techniques for getting rid of those so I've already got a couple of those on my on my wish list and so I'm planning to I haven't really delved too deeply into into money psychology right now I was on too many exercises on that but I feel like that's going to be a huge growth spurt for me and a huge release when I can handle that because it's not even about the money ultimately I don't really care that much about money as long as I've got enough to like pay the bills but what it is about is that if I don't feel secure then that is preventing me from going out there living a charged kind of life because the only way you can go out there and take the risks that you want to take is when you feel secure and relatively comfortable and this has been actually demonstrated in psychological experiments where what they do is they they take a young baby like a couple years old and they have that baby in a room and then what they do is they set up circumstances in a way where the mother leaves and then they monitor the baby and what they found is that the baby is much more likely to go exploring in the room and playing with the toys and talking to new kids and doing some of this scary stuff for a baby when the mother is present and it's not because the mother is really doing anything it's just because the baby feels a sense security and therefore is comfortable venturing out and doing something a little bit risky out of its comfort zone whereas when the mother is gone the babies in the same room same exact situation but now it's concerned for its safety and that concern is so paralyzing that it's not going to go out there and play with any toys it's not going to go try to make new friends it's not going to explore the room it's just going to like cowered a little corner and cry for its mommy and that's literally what's happening to us when we have hang-ups right and I'm talking about money but this stuff this applies across the board to anything for me personally I can see that my hang-ups about money have really limited me in business and have limited in the amount of money that I currently have and have really limited my life purpose so when I figure out my money psychology I feel that I'm going to get a huge boost in all all those areas and I'm noticing that myself but I'm also noticing that I'm gonna have to do the work right and the same situation I want you to take a look and see do you have hang-ups around money or maybe you have hang-ups around something something different maybe you have hang-ups in relationships and you keep self sabotaging yourself in relationships or you have hangups with with with your social life where you have hang-ups in in your department of health and and fitness you know whatever it might be you might have hang-ups there and usually those come from childhood experiences now maybe someone told you in school that you were ugly and so now you feel shy around people or maybe someone ridiculed you and now you've got that or maybe somebody told you you were stupid and so now you've got that limiting belief that you're kind of living with and so you don't go out there and you don't study and you know you don't take education very seriously and you don't challenge yourself out to to do stuff that's out of your comfort zone where you have to learn because you feel like you are limited there so these things seem very childish but and they are because they actually were generated in childhood and early adulthood perhaps but you know they stick with you to have a way of sticking with us because they're very deep in the subconscious and we usually rarely do the development work the personal development work that's necessary to weed this stuff out but there is a silver lining and the silver lining is that you can weed out almost any hang-up that you have so literally whatever it is you should be confident and know that there are tools and resources available right now to fix all of it any of it no matter how bad it was I don't care how bad it was there's a way to get over it to the point where you can feel safe secure nothing is no longer triggering or influencing you of course the bigger the problem was originally the more work you have to do to to do yourself out of that hole but you can do it and it's there and the resources on this website and other many other places can help you do that so definitely encourage you to do a little bit of edge respecting and start to notice how how one of these potentially big blocks from your childhood might be manifesting itself in very subtle ways something like am up trying to pick up a mushroom off a kitchen floor or maybe some other subtle way it comes out in whatever area of your life all right so I'm going to leave you with that just wanted to share that little insight I thought it was interesting made me think when I first realize it and that's what I'm going to leave it I'm signing off but before I do a couple of quick reminders number one is go ahead and post your comments I'd love to hear from you guys and I love to respond to comments that's how I get my feedback and my kicks so please do that second point is of course please like this and share this I release this content for free because I wanted to spread I wanted to help others and I want to enlist you in helping me spread the message and then of course finally go to actualised org for more advanced development videos just like this one free and then of course there we have lots of articles and exercise files and other resources for free that can help you out even more all right I am signing off you